In beginning of the Millenium era, An International Freight Forwarder and Customs Broker Company named PT. Anugerah Tangkas Transportindo was established. The company has been developed into a Group of Companies named ATT Group, we are PT. Expressindo System Network or "EXsis" is one of the group companies.
PT. Expressindo System Network or "EXsis" was established in October, 10th 2010. EXsis is focused on cargo for Indonesian domestic service with nationwide network.
Supported by an Information System called “X-GO” that will strong enough to support the services, operational, administrative and management decision in an effective and efficient way and in order to produce a high quality and a great productivity of our human resource, we believe that we are able to compete with the other companies and makes our customer satisfied. We also supported by a good financial capability.
We are ready to support and synergize with the other business players in Indonesia including the corporate business.
Becoming Major Domestic Cargo Player with International Express Capability