EXSIS provides a number of transportation services to customers around the world. Please see our Services page for more information.EXSIS provides a number of transportation services to customers around the world. Please see our Services page for more information.
It depends on when you request a pick up service and where the delivery location is. Please Contact Us for more details.
Simply by logging in to our website, you can order online using one of the available online payment methods.Contact Us if you need help choosing the right solution for your business.
If you don't know the postal code of the destination, please contact the recipient or Contact Us. Incorrect postal codes may cause transit delays and may incur unnecessary fees.
To change or cancel your order, please go through the cancel menu on our website, if you have trouble please Contact Us.
Package Delivery - Destination
When ordering online in the order you can see complete information for all your shipping destinations. When you see check rates, we will check if we can send to the required destination, if you have trouble please Contact Us.
Please Contact Us for more specific delivery destinations.
Not. EXSIS could not deliver to the mailbox. Complete address with postal code is required.
Weight and size restrictions may vary depending on service type and delivery conditions. Did your shipment exceed our standard limit? Please Contact Us.
Actual weight and dimensions required to ensure speed of delivery. If this information is inaccurate, your package may be delayed in transit, a fare difference will be requested and additional service fees may be applied before the journey of this package can be resumed.
See restricted prohibit items for a list of items restricted by law -laws or regulations, which can only be sent under certain conditions. For more information, feel free to Contact Us.
Before You Send
You can also visit How to pack tips on how to pack your goods in the most efficient way. EXSIS provides additional Packaging services.
All EXSIS shipments must be accompanied by a consignment note and package label. All overseas shipments must also be accompanied by a Commercial Invoice.
Delivery of packages overseas must be accompanied by commercial invoice except for the type of document shipment
An consigment note (also known as a Connote or Airwaybill) is a document that accompanies your shipment. consigment note provides all necessary information to ensure prompt and professional handling, such as origin and destination addresses, and other important data.
Yes. Our courier will provide a Consignment Note for you.
EXSIS does not check the contents of customer submissions. If the contents of the customer's shipment are indicated as prohibited shipments, EXSIS has the right to check the contents of the shipment. Checking the contents of the shipment also applies to relevant agencies such as customs, border security, airlines, or the police.
Our standard liability for loss and damage is described in terms & conditions. Just select the insurance option when ordering online for your shipment.
After Delivery
To find out if your shipment has been received, who signed it and other information, simply type your EXSIS connote / airwaybill number on the track and trace page .
If the courier has tried to deliver to the recipient's address and was unsuccessful then the customer can use the track and trace page. The EXSIS customer service team will re-confirm to the customer for the next delivery. Try sending a maximum of 3 times in a row.
Can. Please confirm with the EXSIS customer service team first.